It’s no secret that I HATE the cold. I also unfortunately LOVE autumn, I think it’s beautiful, all the colours and the freshness and the changing of the season. It’s like a nice crisp fresh new start. As I was driving the kids to school last week, it was a very windy day and all […]
This week was parent teacher interviews. It was also the week of harvest service, gymnastics and drama performances and exam results (for me). I had the temptation on Monday to make this a cocoon week, just spend the whole week hidden away and not face anything new. The problem with hiding away is that nothing […]
My newest journey, which has been filled with both caterpillar and butterfly moments, has been finding out that my precious little 4 year old son has Aspergers. I’d lying if I said I wasn’t upset at first. As a mother I have hopes and dreams for my little warrior and princess and anything that might […]
So my biggest lesson in life to date is that life is never what you expect it to be. I married my very awesome husband fully expecting life would be simple and we would settle down and have 2.4 children and live happily ever after. What actually happened was we got married worked hard and […]
I know this is a little bit of a random name for a blog so I thought I would start by telling you a little bit about me. I am a wife to an awesome techy Hubby Ben, A mum to two beautiful precious children, Megan and Elijah. I am a psychology and criminology student, […]