One day more.. the blessing of turning 30.



Today is the day, the one I’ve been dreading, the day I turn 30. I know In reality I’m just one day older than I was yesterday, but 30 is that age I’ve kinda been dreading. You know the first big age you remember a parent celebrating? This is it for me, I remember my mum turning 30 and suddenly in the blink of an eye it is me. Today has not been helped by someone genuinely believing I was 50 and also spending my afternoon in the doctors surgery (again). however after a dose of steroids and antibiotics, beginning to feel human again I realised I need to catch myself on and stop feeling sorry for myself.

I am so blessed to be 30, an age that isn’t that impressive but one that many would have given anything to get to. what I have experienced in my 20’s has been nothing short of awesome and honestly I hope that my 30’s will simply improve on that.

In the last 10 years I’ve experienced, a lot of difficult moments, grief, battles, arthritis diagnosis, self injecting (prescribed not just for fun), infusions, grief, hurt, rejection, loss of friends, jobs, pets and I have had around 86 routine blood tests not counting all the extras because of lost or bad results.

These last 10 years have been my most character building all those negatives have created positives and all the other positives have been far more than the negatives. I was already married before I turned 20 so I experienced anniversary’s, my first Disney trip and seven more Disney trips, my first west end show, having access to modern medicine and constantly advancing medicines, becoming a mummy and becoming a mummy again. Starting an autism journey with my precious boy and then my hubby. Joining a church that became home, joining a team and then leading a team. My hubby becoming a Christian, volunteering in a role I had always dreamt of, starting a degree, making amazing friends, going to chessington, tayto park and Dublin zoo (there’s joy in the small stuff). I became an aunty to my amazing niece, gained a (step) brother, mother and sister in law, went on holiday with friends.

I am so blessed and I am so thankful that I have 30 years of memory making. Here’s to many more!

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